2016 Glass Magazine Award Winners Announced

Date: 16 July 2016
  • GlassMagazine.com
2016 Glass Magazine Awards
Photo source
Glass Magazine

Date: 16 July 2016

The National Glass Association’s official publication Glass Magazine has announced the winners of its 2016 Glass Magazine Awards.

The prestigious glass and metal industry awards program recognizes the best Products and glass applications the commercial, retail and fabrication markets have to offer.

Players from all parts of the glass and glazing industry are pushing glass—its fabrication, handling and application—to new standards and into new arenas. For the 11th consecutive year, the Glass Magazine Awards continue to recognize the most innovative glass projects and products.

This year, the Glass Magazine Award winners have reimagined what glass, and the industry that relies on it, can do.

“Though I have been judging entries for innovation awards for quite a number of years, this year represented by far the most challenging,” says Terry Peterson, long-time Glass Magazine Award judge and vice president, Novum Structures.

“There [were] an incredible number of entries and all were very worthy of consideration. I would like to congratulate all entries because each of you have truly brought an innovation to our market that is very worthy of high praise.

The 2016 award winners demonstrate imagination and collaboration in product development and project creation. Award winners stepped out of the box to help build glass factories that are safe and efficient, and to showcase glass as an ideal product for building aesthetics and performance.

“Innovation throughout the glass industry continues at a rapid pace. It is no longer just the process of how we get things done, but who we work with to achieve these great strides,” notes 2016 Glass Magazine Award Judge Tessa Miller, marketing specialist, SC Railing Co. “Collaborating and creating these new partnerships will allow us to keep moving forward to achieve great things in the glass industry.”

Featured below, the 2016 Glass Magazine Award winners represent the best products and applications the glass industry has to offer. More than 100 nominations were submitted for this year’s program.

To determine the winners in the project and product categories, the Glass Magazine staff organized the nominations for a panel of judges, who represent all segments of the industry.

The judges then selected a winner in each category; they were not allowed to vote in categories in which their company had been nominated.

Of note, due to a record number of nominations for Most Innovative Curtain Wall Project, the category was split into two: private and public. Private included office, retail and hospitality projects; while public included institutional, government and civic projects.

Thanks to GGI for producing the 2016 Glass Magazine Award plaques, and to C.R. Laurence Co. for supplying the hardware.

Special thanks to the judges, for the time and effort they put into the selection process.

Most Innovative Curtain Wall Project: Private

The Tower at PNC Plaza

J.E. Berkowitz


Most Innovative Curtain Wall Project: Public

U.S. Bank Stadium, Home of the Minnesota Vikings

Egan Co./InterClad


Most Innovative Entrance Project

The Baccarat Hotel & Residences

APG International Inc.


Most Innovative Decorative Glass Project: Exterior

Winnipeg Women and Newborn Hospital

Goldray Glass


Most Innovative Decorative Glass Project: Interior

Convex Glass at Isono & Vasco Restaurants, Hong Kong

Nathan Allan Glass Studios


Most Innovative Railing Project or Product


Hartung Glass Industries; Rhuby Architectural Glass


Most Innovative Glass Product

ALED Daylight

Lightglass Technology GmbH


Most Innovative Handling or Transportation Equipment

Carrymate Safety Grips

Dr. Gold & Co. KG


Most Innovative Machinery or Equipment

Rho Vetrocer ceramic glass printer

Durst Industrial Inkjet Application GmbH


Most Innovative Software

FeneVision ERP

Fenetech Inc.


Most Innovative Web Tool or App

Dip-Energy, Printed Glass Performance Calculator




An article written by Bethany Stough, managing editor for Glass Magazine, GlassMagazine.com and e-glass weekly. Write her at bstough@glass.org.   



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