Date: 25 January 2023
About two years ago, Xavannah GmbH & Co. KG was acquired by A+W Software GmbH and integrated into the company's portfolio. The A+W management has now decided to merge Xavannah with A+W. This has been done as of 1 January 2023.
Through closer cooperation in a joint team, A+W Clarity expects considerable synergy effects, especially in the area of configurators - one of Xavannah's core competences. Peter Dixen, A+W CEO: "A+W Clarity can thus drive further development more efficiently and quickly and make better use of its resources. This applies in particular to the quick integration of the new shower configurator A+W Smart Shower into the commercial A+W systems."
With the merger, the Xavannah location in Bielefeld will be closed.

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