Date: 1 October 2021
As it has been argued before, no person operates in a vacuum. To be successful, people and businesses need partners to enable them reach desired goals.
The crisis created by this pandemic requires businesses to consolidate the best of their current partnerships and find new partners that will enable their timely adaptation to the ‘new normal and beyond’
This is the reason, as we celebrate 30 years since inception, our focus is on the importance of partnerships and collaboration as a way of promoting and enabling faster growth in the industry.
It is with the above in mind that we would like to recognize the following GPD Finland 2021 event sponsors, without who, organizing the forthcoming event would have been extremely challenging.
With heartfelt appreciation, we welcome and recognize them as follows;
- On the platinum level
- DOW - www.dow.com
- Glaston Corporation - www.glaston.net
- On the gold level
- Eastman - www.eastman.com
- Kuraray - www.kuraray.com
- Tecnoglass - www.tecnoglass.com
- On the silver level
- A+W Software - www.a-w.com/uk
- Ayrox - www.ayrox.com
- Bohle - www.bohle.com/en-gb
- Everlam - www.everlam.com/en/home
- Evguard (Folienwerk-Wolfen) - www.evguard.de/en
- Eyrise (Merck) - www.eyrise.com
- Sika - www.sika.com
- Sparklike - https://www.sparklike.com
- Hypermemo - https://hypermemo.eu
GPD Team

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