Date: 25 January 2023
The major challenges facing the entire construction industry also offer major opportunities.
A few months before the start of the industry meeting point, BAU almost reaches the level of 2019. The total area is 200,000 m² and the range of exhibitors extends across all 18 exhibition halls. Conferences and special shows complement the BAU 2023 program in the International Congress Center (ICM) and the associated Hall B0.
Find out now which exhibitors, brands and products you will find at the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems from April 17 to 22, 2023.
Forum C2: Future of building!
Experience top-class architects and renowned experts from the construction industry. For the first time at BAU 2023, BAU is realizing a forum together with its partners AIT, Bauwelt and DBZ, DETAIL, C.Fath with world architects and Rudolf Müller Verlag. Be inspired by exciting projects by well-known architects. In addition, you will also learn in the Forum how the new generation works: interdisciplinary, collectively and with changing connections. Young architects from Europe, South America, Africa and Asia will present their focus and working methods. In particular, the focus will also be on digitalization in construction with contributions from practice and research.
Supporting program 2023: Special shows
In addition to the exhibitors' presentations, the key themes of BAU 2023 will be addressed and visualized in four special shows—from different angles and under different aspects. BAU cooperates with renowned partners: the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the Fraunhofer-Allianz BAU, the GGT and the ift Rosenheim.
Benefit from the novelties of the special shows and take the opportunity for a personal exchange with the industry experts on site.
BAU Insights—The trade portal of the construction industry
NEW—In February 2023, the future point of contact for trade fair visitors, exhibitors, manufacturers and anyone interested in building will be launched; you are cordially invited to get an idea of the various advantages. BAU Insights is the first personalized and interactive online platform for the construction industry and will supply you with all the relevant information every day of the year—individually tailored to your needs.
It will show specific topics, trends in the construction industry, various solutions and innovative products in a comparable environment, and will bring users and trade fair visitors together with the manufacturers and solution providers in the industry in a targeted way.

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