Date: 20 January 2023
The glass industry associations in the Nordic countries have many years of fruitful cooperation behind them. The collaboration is formalized through the Association of Glass Nordic (AGN). The association aims at becoming the voice of the glass and glazing sector in the Nordic region.
“It is a wonderful news that after only one year of existence, the Association of Glass Nordic decided to join Glass for Europe” said Joana Arreguy, President of Glass for Europe. “Together, we aim at building a prosperous future for the flat glass industry across Europe. The Nordics countries have a wealth of experience to bring when it comes to the added value of glass products to comfort and well-being in buildings and on the decarbonisation of the built environment.”
“The Nordic countries share similar conditions of climate and a common comprehension of benefits of glass”says Jenni Heikkilä, chair 2023 of the AGN. “Building glass has an impact on contemporary society of such magnitude that the traditions and regulations of use, security and safety are issues much too crucial to be left for national deliberations alone. The Association of Glass Nordic is looking very much forward to expand the concept of dialogue and sharing to a European community”, she concluded.
“The Association of Glass Nordics is joining Glass for Europe while Sweden holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU and, as such, is in charge of conducting negotiations on important files for the glass and glazing sector such as the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)” said Bertrand Cazes, Secretary General of Glass for Europe. “This is a very timely move, which shows the importance and value for our sector to have a comprehensive network of partners all across Europe”.
The Association of Glass Nordic (AGN) includes
- Glarmesterlauget, Danmark
- Glasindustrien, Danmark
- Glass – og Fasadeforeningen, Norway
- Suomen Tasolasiyhdistys, Finland
- Glasbranschföreningen, Sweden
- Svensk Planglasförening, Sweden

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