Date: 18 January 2023
This includes fenestration products such as windows and doors, as well as other through-wall penetrations. AAMA 714-22, Specification for Liquid Applied Flashing Used to Create a Water-Resistive Seal Around Exterior Wall Openings in Buildings, is now available for purchase.
“Liquid applied flashing products are realizing increasing application for sealing building interfaces, including flashing around windows and doors,” said Jim Katsaros (DuPont Performance Building Solutions), Chair of the FGIA Flashing Committee. “These products offer many performance advantages, including outstanding adhesion to a wide variety of substrates, ultimate conformability for complex geometries and, in many cases, vapor permeable water-resistant seals. The AAMA 714 document sets forth minimum performance and durability requirements for these materials, helping to ensure proper utility in end use. It is referenced in both the IRC and IBC Codes as a requirement for the use of these materials in window and door flashing applications.”
AAMA 714-22, as well as other AAMA documents available from FGIA, may be purchased from the online store at the discounted member rate of $20 or the non-member price of $60.
For more information about FGIA and its activities, visit FGIAonline.org.

These products offer many performance advantages, including outstanding adhesion to a wide variety of substrates, ultimate conformability for complex geometries, and, in many cases, vapor-permeable water-resistant seals.