Date: 23 September 2019
The pressure for door manufacturers to enter the smart home market has been vast, with homeowners wanting the same convenience over opening their front door, as they have over much of their home.
Glazerite and Brisant know that the most important aspect of any door lock, whether smart or not, is that it is secure. Ultion Smart offers that solution. The concept of having the industry-expected three-star security benefits wrapped up into a smart solution, is one that Glazerite are not prepared to miss.
Ultion Smart has just received a five star review from the world’s leading gadget magazine, Stuff. Editor James Day honed-in on two main points that seemed to be the main reasons that it scored so highly. Firstly, its simple. There are no holes to drill or wires to connect. In addition, pairing it with the app is quick, it works and is feature rich. Secondly, Stuff found the auto-unlock function “entirely reliable.” James put this down to the partnership between a traditional top security company in Brisant and a tech company, bringing the military encrypted Danalock V3 technology to the table.
Jeff Dunn, Group Sales and Marketing Director of Glazerite said, “What has impressed me most about Ultion Smart is it still delivers the high standard of security that our installer partners find a key selling benefit. Whilst I especially liked the wireless keypad, you’ll never convert homeowners that want a real key so having that option is great too and will appeal to a wider audience.”
Ultion Smart offers ‘on approach’ auto unlocking; it can be used on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and is compatible across multiple platforms, Apple Homekit, Alexa, IFTTT, Samsung Smart Things, Zigbee and Z-Wave. The app offers electronic invites for guests, auto unlocking and auto locking after a selected time.
Stuff said of Ultion Smart that it offers, “a re-assuring combo of digital and physical burglar-proofing.” Glazerite and Brisant couldn’t agree more.
For further information on Glazerite please visit glazeritewindows.co.uk.

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