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| Twenty years ago, Formator began producing safety laminated glass. Since then, its products have reached over 40 countries worldwide from Croatia.
| Perfection is achieved by choosing absolute quality partners and collaborators.
| The Vessel is an iconic structure and landmark built as part of the Hudson Yards redevelopment project in Manhattan, New York City.
| Heavy snow loads can cause glass and its related structures to collapse, if proper snow-removal techniques are not practiced.
| The name Formator derives from a Latin word, which means “he who creates, he who invents”. Formator was born to produce and process special glasses.
| For the edging, drilling and milling, Formator uses a vertical processing line by Forel.
| Formator introduces HeatVision®, a multifunctional electrically heated glass for a wide range of interior and exterior applications in buildings.
| Ordinary glass allows you to see, but also to be seen. However, you may sometimes prefer not to be exposed to the curious gaze.
| Formator introduces a new product called TSSA® bonding technology.
| Modern Greek Landmark by Renzo Piano
| Solid-rock bridge made of glass is new Georgia’s capital landmark.
| SentryGlas® interlayer used on the new Ruby Princess cruise ship
| All-glass construction to present Croatia’s architecture.