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| One-Step Multi-Air Pollutant Control Solution.
| Sustainability and the circular economy are increasingly influencing work and production processes in glass manufacturing, too.
| Noise as one of the major pollutants in our environment and society
| According to the American Bird Conservancy (ABC), glass collisions claim the lives of up to a billion birds annually in the U.S.
| As a modern society, we’re spending about 90% of our time indoors – at home, in offices or commuting. How is it possible to get access to daylight, when we can’t naturally be outside? By making buildings more transparent.
| It is estimated that 100 million to 1 billion birds a year perish due to collisions with glass.(1-2) In North America, some communities have enacted legislation aimed at protecting birds by calling for the design and installation of birdsafe glazing.
| Re-thinking the life-cycle of architectural glass brings together recent research into the economic, technical, environmental and logistical viability of closed-loop construction glass recycling.