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A+W Software GmbH | Germany | Manufacturer
A+W CANTOR ENTERPRISE - Your business processes are consistently illustrated in A+W Cantor Enterprise. A+W CANTOR PRODUCTION - Organize your production more efficiently with A+W Cantor Production. A+W CANTOR RESELLER - As a window producer, you can provide your dealers with the modules from A+W Cantor Reseller.
Kuraray Europe GmbH | Germany | Manufacturer
Sound Control products are PVB films with outstanding sound protection properties. Compared to a glass assembly containing standard PVB film, the same assembly containing Sound Control achieves improvements in sound insulation of up to 3 db.
Folienwerk Wolfen GmbH | Germany | Manufacturer
Our quality films are designed & extensively tested to make our world a safer place.
Luoyang North Glass Technology Co., Ltd., | China | Manufacturer
General Fan & HVLS Fan, Fan, High temperature fan, Special fan for rail transit, Centrifugal fan, Compressor, Other fans, Ventilator
Tvitec | Spain | Manufacturer
Insulated Glass Units could improve also the acoustic performances and insulate the room from the external noise. These characteristics could be added to the ones of Neutralux and Solarlux units.