Date: 28 October 2024
It has been an invigorating week, bringing together representatives from flat glass manufacturing, processing, transformation and logistics. The fair was an opportunity to meet and exchange with our Members and National Partners represented across the various halls, each showcasing the added value they bring to the industry. It was also the perfect opportunity to engage with representatives from across the value chain in all its diversity. This biannual event is truly a unique opportunity to get an overview of the sector’s entire value chain, strengthening relationships and presenting the latest innovations.
Alongside the small and large-scale industrial machinery, product stands, and art exhibitions, there were also a host of talks and discussions organised around themes that are crucial for the present and future of the flat glass sector. Innovations in high performance glazing and low-carbon products made for exciting conversation, and discussions were had on the best way towards decarbonization.
Alongside these novelties, the major challenge identified by a wide cross-section of participants was the issue of the sector’s competitiveness. A balance needs to be found between the imperatives of decarbonization and innovation and the demands of efficiency and rising energy costs.
Watch our video below to learn more about Glass for Europe’s presence at the fair. We look forward to returning to Glasstec in two years’ time, and in the meantime to continuing the discussions and conversations began this week in Dusseldörf.

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