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| Christoph Timm, Principal at SOM New York, shared insights on decarbonizing the built environment and the evolving landscape of sustainable construction.
| Interview with Émilie Develle, technical advisor, Guardian Glass Europe.
| When I first met Sophie Pennetier, I was struck by her expressed influences and her remarkable experiential pedigree. She cites Peter Rice’s brilliant book, An Engineer Imagines, as the inspiration for her engineering pursuits.
| This blog post was written based on an interview with M.Sc. (Chem.) Santtu Jolkkonen, Sparklike's Service and Maintenance Manager, who has been working as technical support specialist for Sparklike over a decade.
| sedak GmbH & Co.KG, Germany, operates the largest insulating glass line in the world – about extraordinary glass processing and the role of LiSEC.
| In August 2013, the LiSEC development team started a major project with the mission: redesign of the tempering furnaces in order to save manufacturing costs and at the same time increase the process reliability. Result: the AEROFLAT.
| Internorm is the market leader in Austria as a manufacturer of high-quality window systems and doors and the leading window brand in Europe.
| The Flachglas Group employs around 1,100 employees at three sites in Switzerland and three sites in Germany – around 650 of them generate revenues of approx. € 70 million at the Wernberg site (Bavaria).