Date: 25 September 2024
RCN is a medium-sized company that likes to be informed on future visions of the glass industry, some of which involve its responsibility too. That is why the company participated in a conference on September 17, in Fiera Milano, under the title “Building as green as glass” – “Exploring how glass is building greener cities and shaping a more sustainable future”.
The title and subtitle give the idea of the important and delicate contents and topics: green deal, sustainability, circular economy and the role of glass will be important for its capacity to be reconverted, even thou there are still differences between flat and hollow glass in a matter of recycling.
Several speakers talked about details of unfolding green programs, solutions and regulations, amidst some dilemmas and dark rooms on the steps to undertake.
However, we are all called to take care of people and nature, face climate changes, and adopt all the measures in life as well as in construction to reach a more sustainable environment. And this applies to other industries, without exception.
The conference promoted by Gimav in cooperation with Assovetro, Glass Group, Fiera Milano and Vitrum, aimed to spread the culture of glass recycling and sustainability, with an eye on the big difference between reality and perception of the problem.
RCN SOLUTIONS considers this initiative very interesting, not only for the professional persons who spoke at the conference but for the will to clarify an important and quite complicated matter demanding human compliance and great changes.
From de-carbonization to an improvement of the durability of materials, the challenge is in progress and involves all the supply chain and companies are called to conform for the common good.
Artificial Intelligence, a controversial topic, can also play a key role if intended to be used to generate something new from existing parameters.
In addition to the important overview, the conference has offered a note on the Vitrum exhibition: the real must-see and must-to-be-in of 2025. With the slogan, “At the art of glass”, Vitrum relaunches its importance as a leading show of the international glass industry: yes to innovations, but with an eye on history. The appointment is on 16th-19th September 2025, in Milan one of the poles of the European economy, known for fashion and elegance, and the driving force of the Italian industry.
RCN thanks all the coordinators for this opportunity and concludes using words from Vitrum: the story of Glass continues at Vitrum 2025.

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