Date: 30 July 2010
LED glass has become the greatest innovative product in the glass industry in the recent 10 years and opened up a brand-new field for glass application as well as launched a new revolution in the area of lighting material industry.Since the appearance of LED glass, but due to the extremely high cost and narrow application at the beginning, it only concentrated on the field of high-end decoration. During the years of early appearance, LED glass was sold in the whopping price with tens of thousands of dollors in per square meter. The presence of POLYMAGIC LED glass brought a fire-new processing method, effectually reduced the cost, and led the LED glass industry into a new era of productionization and commoditization. From now on, LED glass has being used in the decoration and design for fancy shop, luxury countertop, high-end commercial area, interior, LOGO, lighting fitting, door and window, furniture, floor and stair railing, picture window…etc.
About Polymagic LED glass
Polymagic LED glass is a brand name of LED glass owned by Polytron Technologies, Inc. LED glass using an patented technology to laminated LED film between two sheets of glass and create magic text or pattern. Green lighting source LEDs combine with clear glass making a very special effect when power on, the amazing light will catch people` s eyes immediately, that is why it is so welcomed by designers and architects worldwide. Polymagic LED galss has widely applied in designing or application fields of LOGO, sign, lighting, inner or outer decorating, furniture, business counter making, building outer wall lighting projects, public projects, facades, partitions…etc.
About Polytron Technologies, Inc
Polytron Technologies, Inc. a leading electronic and optical vision glass supplier worldwide. Products line covers Polyvision Privacy Glass, Polymaigc LED glass, Polyflush Glass, Polyholo Glass(Hologram Glass), Polylow-E glass, Polynano Glass, LiteGlow Glass, PolyscreenT projection screen glass…etc. Polytron dedicated to supply top quality innovative Polymagic LED glass to industry designers, architects, end product manufacturers, contractors, clock makers, building material agents, furniture manufacturers, sign and logo makers, high-end arts and crafts manufacturers, gifts makers, lighting manufacturers…etc worldwide.
Polytron Technologies, Inc
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