Scratched glass

I need help on finding standards of scratched glass.
What scratches are acceptable? Should a contractor be responsible for replacing glass with any visible scratches? At what minimum distance should a scratch be seen for it to be considered for replacement? Where could I find such information? Please reply if you have any information.

Guest User
Tue, 08/04/2003 - 20:01

Try this site for more information about glass scratching:

I hope this was of any help.

Guest User
Wed, 23/04/2003 - 01:58

Reply to [B]snook72[/B]:

> I need help on finding standards of scratched glass.
> What scratches are acceptable? Should a contractor be responsible for replacing glass with any visible scratches? At what minimum distance should a scratch be seen for it to be considered for replacement? Where could I find such information? Please reply if you have any information.

Guest User
Wed, 23/04/2003 - 02:35

The only scratched glass standard I'm aware of is the ASTM C-1036 standard for Flat Glass. This standard in more of a guideline for "Specifying" glass quality, not field inspections of scratched glass.

Most builders establish their own standards for owner inspections, but most won't hold up in court, which is why most consultants refer back to the ASTM Standard.

Until recently, the general ASTM standard for most residential applications required the viewer to stand back 132" from the glass, perpendicular to the glass, without direct sun light. If the scratch is not visible at the distance, it's expectable. The new standard has extended the viewer distance from 132" to 160."

When it comes to acceptable scratches, I think it depends on who your asking, the buyer or the seller of the glass.

As far as who should be responsible for the glass replacement, the builder must determine who is responsible for the scratches in the glass and hold them accountable for the replacement costs.

One area that that has gotten a lot of press in resent years is, some tempered glass will scratch during normal construction window cleaning. This is a direct result of poor fabricating procedures during the tempering process.

The best kept secret in construction window cleaning is, Scrapers DO NOT scratch glass - Fabricating debris does!

Want more information on scratched glass:

Good Luck,

Dan Fields
Fields Construction Services, Inc.

Guest User
Wed, 12/05/2004 - 16:08

If you need to repair that scratch maybe my diy kit can help. You can see it in my web site at

Kind Regards

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