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| At the 2nd international colloquium modeling of glass forming and tempering from 23rd to 25th January 2002 in Valenciennnes FRANCE the following topics will be displayed: - Mathematical modeling of glass forming and tempering.- Thermal exchanges…
| Tamglass Group has agreed new automotive glass machinery orders for over 9 million euros. The agreements have been signed during October and November.
| Lema will soon complete a new system for chemical tempering of glass size 3200 x 2200 mm. Chemical strengthening is used for extremely thick glass, types of glass where excellent optical quality is needed, printed glass, glass with particular shapes…
| The Brazilian safety glass machine market is experiencing a very favorable development. The order book of the last year established new Tamglass plant in Brazil has grown rapidly during the ongoing year.
| The various Tamglass organizations, including Tamglass Safety Glass Ltd, have prepared an environmental protection system.
| The glazing industry of the 21st century uses these days increasingly float glass integrated with special coating materials.
| The 2nd International Colloquium on Modelling MGFT2002 on Numerical modelling, Glass Validation and Control, Forming and Identification of properties, Tempering Integration in glass processing. will take place in Valenciennes-France on January 2002…