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6 results
| Polyvinyl chloride continues to be one of the world’s most crucial plastics. As one of the oldest and most used products of the plastics industry, PVC came under attack 20 years ago by environmentalist groups.
| The body of the new Smart “Fortwo“ is, for the first time, being manufactured entirely from Polypropylene (PP), and similarly, the bumpers and dashboard of the new Fiat 500.
| Whether in carrying bags, bottle caps, or buckets: We use high density polyethylene (HDPE) daily. One third of all toys are manufactured from this thermoplast.
| They may only be required in small amounts at any one time, but nevertheless they are absolutely necessary: Without antioxidants, many products would not last very long, and many plastics could not even be manufactured without their protective…
| Whether in carpeting or window frames, in paper, rubber, varnish or adhesive, practically all products contain fillers. For a long time the mixture had to be above all cheap; on plastic production they used to be known as “dividend powder”.
| More Complexion, Gloss and Luster The English poet Leigh Hunt once said, „Colours are the smiles of nature“.