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168 results
| “IZOVAC Technologies" has developed an Anti-fingerprint (AF) coating technology on glass and polymer surfaces. AF coating creates a layer of hydrophobic material which prevents grease from sticking to the surface.
| Ritec International Celebrate 10 Years of Working Alongside Majestic - Ritec International and leading shower company Majestic have just celebrated 10 years of unique collaboration.
| Ritec are celebrating after being named one of the top five new innovations of Ecobuild 2015, the world’s biggest event for sustainable design, construction and the built environment...
| We are delighted to announce that we have now become approved site applicators for RITEC low maintenance and glass renovation treatments.    Just as metal rusts, glass is subjected to a corrosion process caused by reactions between the glass…
| Ritec International are celebrating this week after being shortlisted from hundreds of entrants for the prestigious ‘Big Innovation Pitch’ final for their new ClearShield Eco-System™...
| After 30 years and 13 awards for industry excellence, Ritec International is again leading innovation in the glass industry with the launch of their purpose-built remote training facility located at their factory site in Tottenham, London.
| The top third and bottom third of the glass has been protected with Enduro Shield Glass Coating, the middle section has not. Muddy water has then been poured over the glass.
| EnduroShield provides a glass scratch removal service to remove glass scratches, mineral deposits or soap scum build up from glass surfaces.