Low-E Glass
Showing 125 results
Hong Kong SAR China | Manufacturer
Xinyi Glass is the largest float glass manufacturer in China with 40 float lines and the daily melting capacity is more than 29,930 tons. Xinyi Glass has 13 factories located in China and Malaysia and produce float glass, reflective glass, low-e glass and silver mirror glass.
Turkey | Manufacturer
Yorim Glass started its production in 1989 and 2003 data shows that %55 of the production is exported.
Turkey | Manufacturer
In our glass processing units, we offer wide range of products and services such as flat glass, double glazing glass, tempered glass, laminated glass, safety glass, shower glass, low-e glass and customization of any single glass panes.
| Manufacturer
We have been manufacturing glass with magnetron coating providing solar and thermal control for about 3 years. We also manufacture insulated glass units.
China | Manufacturer
Longyang Glass is now a leader company in the production and distribution of low iron glass, tinted glass, clear float glass, reflective glass, hard coated low-e glass, soft coated low-e glass, patterned glass and deeply processed glass such as toughed glass, laminated glass ,IGU .