Trina Solar statement on China and EU's agreement on price undertaking to avoid anti-dumping tariffs

Date: 1 August 2013

Through joint efforts China and the EU have reached a consensual solution on the solar anti-dumping dispute.

Trina Solar, a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) modules, solutions, and services who has always advocated and promoted free trade and fair competition, has been calling for and actively involved in promoting dialogue and consultation as a way to resolve the PV trade dispute.We believe that the agreement reached, although not perfect, reflects the desire and determination of both sides to emphasize cooperation for the development of the global PV industry, and is advantageous to the common interests of both sides.

Trina Solar has, through operational excellence, technological innovation and global development, created value for all its stakeholders. Continuing working with our European and global partners in difficult, turbulent times has solidified our relationships with them. We will continue to find effective ways to provide quality PV products, services, and solutions to our customers around the globe, including European customers, with whom we must work together to maintain and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the PV industry.

600450 Trina Solar statement on China and EU's agreement on price undertaking to avoid anti-dumping tariffs

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