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555 results
| Using Glaston FC and RC tempering lines for outstanding glass quality
| The evidence that flexibility could meet excellence
| Personnel dedication of NorthGlass customer service and excellent performance of the furnace have been recognized by customers.
| The meeting point between Mappi and Somec was an ATS 4.0 tempering furnace.
| A letter of thanks from Germany for the technical upgrading of a SC-1B42 tempering furnace.
| From ashes to flagship FC Series - Custom Glass UK orders Glaston’s FC Series tempering furnace line
| 2020 - Looking back on what we have gone through together
| The upgrades will be delivered and installed in March 2021.
| Glaston Group has closed a deal for a FC Series™ tempering line with one of the largest suppliers of turn key sunrooms in North America.
| A MappiSUPERTEMPER™ tempering furnace achieves the characteristics necessary to certify E30 glass for fire resistance.
| Window Creations choose ATS Mappi tempering furnace.
| NorthGlass Tempering Furnace BU exceed 15 million USD sales and 40 orders in both October and November.
| Mappi International has won the 2020 USGlass Readers’Choice Award for Machinery - Tempering Equipment with Industry 4.0 Tempering solutions, now enhanced with “Powered by Siemens” improvements.
| Launching New Zealand’s state-of-the-art facility for advanced insulated glass units
| In October effective tempering furnace orders were 40 and its total amount of nearly 21 million dollars.
| Mappi met Nermin Berbic to talk about his company, and their recent improvement: an all new tempering furnace, a Mappi Fox 1500x3000.
| Today, with the entry into force of an order for a tempering furnace in South Korea, the cumulative sales volume of NorthGlass tempering furnace has exceeded 5000.
| The CBRC Series tempering line is advanced technology of Glaston’s renowned CB concept (Continuous Batch) tempering furnace model and can be operated both in continuous and batch mode.
| Watch a demo how automation helps to run a glass tempering line without any prior experience
| Fenestration BAU China and CADE Architectural Design Expo as the pageant of Fenestration BAU had a grand opening on 29th, October 2020.