Industry’s top leaders come together for the Glazing Summit

Industry’s top leaders come together for the Glazing Summit
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Date: 27 February 2018

Over 150 people have already registered for the Glazing Summit, the new conference for the window, door and conservatory industry.

Directors and senior management of the industry’s top systems companies, fabricators, installers, glass and component suppliers will come together on 22nd May for the one-day event which includes key-note speakers and debates.

The Glazing Summit aims to tackle some of the industry’s biggest issues and discuss the latest trends and developments including the PVCu vs aluminium debate, skills shortage, the impact of new technology and legislation, and Brexit.

Insight Data’s Jade Greenhow will give an analysis of the UK market and how new competition is impacting fabricators and installers.

One of the hot topics is the current round of mergers and acquisitions, speakers will debate how this could affect the supply chain, why some of the biggest names in the industry could disappear, and discuss why now could be the perfect time to sell your window company.


Andrew ScottAndrew Scott, managing director of Insight Data commented:

“The window, door and conservatory industry is evolving fast. This conference will give delegates the inside track on what is really going on and equip industry leaders with the knowledge and tools to confidently plan for the future.”

The Glazing Summit will be held at St Johns Conference Centre in Solihull, 5 minutes from the M42 motorway. The conference will take place between 9:30am and 4pm and includes refreshments, lunch and networking.

To find out more or to book tickets visit

600450 Industry’s top leaders come together for the Glazing Summit

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