Construction products: CPR and ESPR reports adopted in the European Parliament

Construction products: CPR and ESPR reports adopted in the European Parliament
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Glass for Europe

Date: 12 July 2023

In the last two days, the European Parliament adopted its first reading position on two essential pieces of legislation that govern the placing on the market of construction products.

First, under the impetus of MEP Christian Doleschal, the European Parliament proposes to modernizes and simplifies some rules and processes governing the CE marking of construction products. For instance, some simplified procedures are reintroduced and some flexibility in the management of database of construction products is proposed. In his reaction, Bertrand Cazes, Secretary General of Glass for Europe commented: “The simplification of rules and processes are essential to improve product standard, support the sector’s digitalization and reinforce the internal market for construction products. It also provides a push toward more sustainability in construction materials, which is a fundamental driver in the building glass sector.” The second report adopted today by the European Parliament is on the Eco-design for Sustainable Product Regulation (ESPR). This proposal for a regulation is specifically meant to enhance sustainability in the design of any new product. In this respect, its articulation with the provisions of the Construction Products Regulation, which is specific to construction materials, needs to be further clarified. “It is essential that the links between both regulations are clear and coherent to deliver an efficient push to sustainable construction products”, said Bertrand Cazes.

The trialogue negotiations between the European Parliament representatives, those of the Council of the EU and the Member States are due to start this summer for an adoption of the text before Spring 2024.

Bertrand Cazes

600450 Construction products: CPR and ESPR reports adopted in the European Parliament

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