In the Safest of Hands

Date: 12 February 2013
Long gone are the days where a safety glove had to be bulky, thick, hot and uncomfortable to protect the wearer against cuts from sharp edged glass or razor-sharp mechanical parts.

Thanks to advancements in textile technology, space-age fibres and yarns are used to create flexible lightweight gloves which offer optimum protection and unrestricted movement.    


Powerflex 80-602 gloves

Hand & Arm Protection is more likely to be used when it is comfortable to wear so it is important to invest in some good quality gloves that are fit for purpose.  Most of our knitted gloves are woven with high performance materials such as Kevlar® and Dyneema® which offer greater dexterity and allow hands to breathe.


Hyflex protective gloves

Dyneema®, as used in our Hyflex gloves, is a polyethylene fibre 15 times stronger than steel but with minimal weight, making these gloves ideal for intricate assembly and wiring work.  Our Powerflex 80-658 gloves even have a triple layer of protection are they are made from glass, steel and Kevlar® fibres.


Powerflex 80-658 gloves

Our selection of gloves also features leather palms, textured rubber and latex coatings or are covered in PVC studs for extra grip when handling slippery materials. Gloves with long cuffs offer added protection for the wrist and forearm.

Remember that no pair of glove will protect against every hazard so it is important to consider what job they will be needed for, whether it is handling rough stone surfaces, sharp metal edges or greasy mechanical parts. Read our guide which explains how protective gloves are classified according to their resistance to abrasion, cuts, tears and punctures.

GGR’s range of gloves and PPE is available to buy on the new and improved GGR Glass online shop.

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