Window Safety a Top Priority at Roto Frank of America

Date: 18 April 2017
Each year, Roto Frank of America, Inc. joins the Window Safety Task Force (WSTF) of the National Safety Council to remind homeowners of the importance of practicing window safety year-round.

National Window Safety Week April 5-11 – is designed to increase awareness on helping prevent window falls and the proper use of windows for emergency escape purposes. Falls from a window can result in serious injury or death, and pose an especially dangerous threat for children.

According to, children are twice as likely to sustain a fall-related injury at home than at a childcare facility and window falls account for about eight deaths and 3,300 injuries among children 5 and younger each year.

The Window Safety Task Force strongly encourages the use of ASTM F2090-compliant devices, such as Roto Frank’s Angel Ventlock® window opening control devices.

The Angel Ventlock devices are both low cost and incredibly effective. In addition, they don't detract from the appearance or function of the window, and can be easily retrofitted or integrated by the window manufacturer.

Angel Ventlock® includes a line of WOCD's (Window Opening Control Devices) that conform 100% to ASTM-F2090-2010 guidelines and allow for quick emergency escape and rescue. For more information about Angel Ventlock® products, visit