Trex Commercial Products: Mint Museum

Date: 25 September 2020
Track Rail with stainless steel cap offers sleek styling and support while blending with the museum’s minimalist look.

Housing one of the largest collections of art and design in the Southeast, Charlotte’s Mint Museum boasts a modern, minimalist aesthetic. Featured throughout the interior, Trex Commercial Products’ glass railings add to the ambiance while helping visitors safely explore the oldest museum in South Carolina. We also provided free-standing, lighted stainless handrail on the building’s exterior.

Project: The Mint Museum

Location: Charlotte, NC

Architect: Machado and Silvetti Associates, LLC

GC: Rodgers Builders

Completion: June 2010 

The four-story atrium is clean, yet dramatic.
The embedded shoe mount is clean and sturdy
Overlooks are warmed by the hardwood flooring and ceiling installation.
Stairway handrails are attached first to the glass and then to the walls below for continuity, comfort and support.
Track Rail with stainless steel cap offers sleek styling and support while blending with the museum’s minimalist look.