Status of the glass industry of the Vladimir region

Date: 27 October 2015
October 20, 2015 in Moscow, held a working meeting of heads of StekloSouz Russia and Administration of the Vladimir region.

The theme of the meeting "State of the glass industry of the Vladimir region." 

As you know, in the territory of this region has more than 25 glass companies. The region produces glass products for the defense industry, construction, agriculture, transport complex, food, furniture industry and other sectors of the economy. TK-74 develops standards for glass factories in Russia.

For the two glass factories of mining and processing plant producing raw materials. Well preserved Science, two schools train specialists for glass factories in Russia and the CIS. Well-developed industrial processing of glass. The region has the only plant in Russia for production of foamed glass sheet.

Glass industry field gives the local budgets to 18% of financial resources.

It is gratifying that once again earned Crystal Factory. Good products are made of glass fiber plants and assorted glassware.

The meeting resulted in the decision, in order to assist industry participants to develop a joint work plan.

Meeting held Viktor Osipov, President of Russia and StekloSouz Lobanov Alexander Borisovich Deputy Governor.

Press center of StekloSouz

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