Stained glass adds panache to homes

Date: 27 June 2003
Across the country, homeowners are plotting home improvement projects. From a fresh coat of paint to rearranging the furniture to completely redoing the kitchen, these projects all revolve around making the home more inviting.

For a unique finishing touch, more and more homeowners are using stained glass designs as a beautiful way to make windows, doorways and even shower stalls more appealing.While decorative glass can be used in any window, two rooms that really benefit from the color and interest it adds are the kitchen and the bathroom.The possibilities are endless. Your kitchen window looks out on your neighbor's garage? Choose decorative flowered glass and you will have a beautiful view all year round. In the bathroom, you can add privacy to the glass shower stall by adding decorative glass.

Decorative glass can also solve some common problems by adding privacy, blocking out UV rays that can fade furniture and carpets, and dealing with uniquely shaped windows that can be hard to accessorize.

Decorative glass can also be used in front-door sidelights, skylights, ceiling light panels, light boxes, mirrors, sliding glass doors, cabinet and furniture doors and room dividers - just use your imagination.

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