Reflex Energy Company Launches

Date: 12 November 2010
Source: Reflex Energy Ltd
Reflex Energy Ltd is a green energy company investing in photovoltaic technology for commercial size projects.

It is the only company offering 100% Free electricity from solar panels for industrial size properties. The company aims to build a £6 million portfolio of renewable energy sites across the UK with a combined generation of 3 Megawatts of power, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of any business helping to make commercial buildings more green.

As a renewable energy company set up to take advantage of the governments generous Feed In Tariff Reflex Energy is investing large amounts of money to reap the rewards available. In return for placing photovoltaic solar panels on south facing commercial property roofs  the company we will offer 100% of the electricity generated totally free of charge or the option of a fixed income for renting the roof space.

“Now window and glass companies with large south facing factory roofs can make money from what was dead space before!” Said Scott Nicholas company director.

The government pays Reflex Energy the FIT generation payments for the contract period of 25 years, any excess or unused electricity is then fed back to the grid helping to cut CO2 emissions and reduce the countries dependence on fossil fuels.

Reflex energy is looking for large south facing factory roofs to site its solar panel projects, the company recently completed work on one of the largest PV roof projects in the midlands on the factory roof of its sister company Reflex Glass in Leicester.  Contact Scott Nicholas on 0116 269 6297 or visit for full details

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