R.C.N. Solutions’ Easy Connect: Let’s leave hard times behind!

Date: 11 November 2020
Source: www.rcnsolutions.it
RCN SOLUTIONS would like to assure its customers that they will receive the utmost assistance and that we are working to guarantee remote installation and training by video tutors, written guidelines and live sessions.

Pandemic notwithstanding, business continue and progress, though coming to terms with the social distancing and travelling interdictions.

RCN SOLUTIONS would like to assure its customers that they will receive the utmost assistance and that we are working to guarantee remote installation and training by video tutors, written guidelines and live sessions.

Customers will not be left alone, but will be in the position to start production and control it, in total comfort, especially relying on the new RCN application “Easy Connect”, launched last June.

Traditionally, accessing remote HMI is a quite complicated job. Not any more with “Easy Connect”.

“Easy Connect” remotely monitor and control your HMI and provide an easy and a new way for processing an HMI anywhere in the world, from any electronic device. However, RCN knows that as far as production is concerned, to monitor is not enough. Clients need to have an instrument they can interact with to modify the process – should it be necessary – to delay start or to modify some production settings. Customers can receive notifications in case of an alarm occurs, and take action directly from any electronic device, wherever they are - the same as to be face to the machine PLC control panel - to prevent inconveniences to the end product. Thus, the system prevents waste of time and possible rejections.

But how does it work?

The machine is registered into a Cloud network where all the other RCN machines, having the “Easy Connect” Application installed, are registered. Each machine is identified by the serial number and protected by specific passwords. No need for subscribtion or fees to pay, it is enough to order the machine together with the application, the service is for free. There is no need for complicated configuration or additional devices to install, just internet connection available

Features of the system: it requires little set up of PC, mobile phone or laptop; no router setup; secure connection; user friendly administrator and client UI. The system requirements are very simple and accessible to everyone.

But “Easy Connect” is more: it also a reliable remote supporting service. If we consider that many machines are sold oversea and customer may report a problem which would require the inspection by an RCN engineer, the latest can remotely connect to the HMI through “Easy Connect” to investigate the problem, thus supporting the customer for solution.

So, do not be worried to go high-tech and let you be guided by RCN “Easy Connect” to find out how it is easy, pleasant and convenient to have production under control and your RCN partner at hand.