Quanex at GlassBuild America

Date: 12 August 2011
Source: www.quanex.com
As a result of the company's recent growth, this year Quanex will host the largest booth at the GlassBuild show in Atlanta, September 12 through 14.

Over the past year, the company has strategically combined and aligned its Engineered Products businesses – Mikron, Truseal and Homeshield. That combined structure, along with revamped branding, was unveiled last year at the GlassBuild show in Las Vegas. Quanex has since acquired Edgetech, a leading supplier of warm edge window space products who has had a high profile presence at past Glassbuild shows. Our combined companies will now be merging their booths which will result in the biggest at the show. It will feature exciting amenities including interactive exhibits, race car simulators and claw machine. Quanex will also be drawing in customers and prospects with food and beverages, prizes and, best of all, innovative new products.

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