Profit from Visiting Windowlink at FIT Show

Date: 11 February 2019
Windowlink, the window and conservatory software experts are to exhibit at FIT Show 2019.

As well as demonstrating their window and conservatory pricing and presentation software, the Windowlink team will be on hand to talk to installers about the real savings benefits of ‘going digital’ with sales and quoting software.

Mark Dudley, Managing Director at Windowlink explains: “A recent report by Lloyds Bank found that on average, SMEs who have adopted digital tools are making time-savings of up to 21 percent – that’s a day a week for lots of companies. For sole traders, this could mean fitting in an extra two days onsite per month, which could make a massive difference to their annual turnover and profits.

“At FIT Show 2019, we’ll be talking to visitors about how using Windowlink software can contribute to these time savings, so they can get on and fit in more jobs.

“Our pricing and presentation software systems are super-flexible to make selling processes more efficient and profitable. There are both off-the-shelf and bespoke packages, that can be finetuned and personalised to each customer. We work with most of the major product suppliers in the industry including window and roof system companies, as well as leading composite door brands. Windowlink’s pricing and presentation software covers value-added products too, including solid conservatory roofs, and aluminium bi-folds.”

Visitors to FIT Show 2019 can find Windowlink on Stand M23 in Hall 6.