PPG: Reg Norton, Vice President, Environment, Health & Safety

Date: 21 March 2007
Source: PPG
2006 was a year notable for continued improvements in Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) in PPG, some of which are visible in our EHS performance metrics.

Also we started several major initiatives that will result in a sustained positive impact on PPG’s EHS and business performance.

Our environment, health and safety (EHS) plans and programs have once again led to year-over-year improvements in the following key performance areas:

Spills and Releases

The PPG measure is a stringent one that captures more events than our reporting obligations around the world. Our 5-year target is a 25% reduction in the PPG Spills and Releases Rate from 15.9 per month in 2005 to 11.9 per month in 2010. We finished 2006 with a rate of 13.7, a 14% reduction from 2005 and on track for the 5-year target.

Injuries and Illnesses

Our 5-year goal is a 25% reduction in PPG Injury and Illness (I&I) rate from 0.85 in 2005 to 0.64 in 2010. We ended 2006 with a rate of 0.79, beating the intermediate target of 0.81 and on track to hit the 5-year target. Our 2006 performance represents a 36% reduction since 2002. During this same time period, our OSHA recordable rate in the US reduced from 5.3 to 4.1 (a 23% reduction).

Employee Wellness

We have a goal to reach 80% participation by our employees in our online Health Risk Assessment (measured over a 3-year rolling average). We use data from this to target beneficial programs for our employees, tailoring the programs to the specific needs of each facility population. To the end of 2006, we had 23,375 completions (approximately 71% of our global personnel).

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

PPG is committed under the Business Roundtable’s Climate RESOLVE initiative to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 18%. This is an intensity metric – meaning the measure is in tonnes CO2 equivalent per million dollars of revenue. Measured from our 2002 baseline of 1210 tonnes, we agreed to reach 992 tonnes by 2012. The 2006 data will be available soon; we will report on it at that time.

Corporate Governance

In the area of governance, the new Technology and Environment Board Committee has been formed. This Committee has a charter that includes reviewing the status of the Company’s environment, health, safety and product stewardship policies, programs and practices. It will complement the existing Environment, Health and Safety Committee co-chaired by two Senior Vice Presidents of the company.

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