New Year, New Partnerships: Bereco Join Good Homes Alliance

Date: 8 January 2019
January is a time for setting new goals and making new commitments. At Bereco, we are no stranger to goal setting and this year is no different.

We will be reviewing our sustainability achievements from 2018 and as part of this we will be setting a new goals which we look forward to sharing with you over the coming months.

As part of this, we are pleased to announce that we are now a proud member of the Good Homes Alliance. The GHA has been encouraging the building of sustainable homes and communities for over 10 years and their aim is to transform the whole of mainstream UK house building into a sustainable endeavour.

At Bereco, we are committed to helping design healthy happy homes, and we do so through demanding the highest level of sustainability in our timber windows and doors and throughout our business. We believe that as an industry, we have a great responsibility to design future proof homes that promote health and wellbeing and it is essential in this endeavour that we do so in an ethical and sustainable way.

As such, we identified with the mission statement and the work of the Good Homes Alliance and look forward to working closely with them to share knowledge and information to drive sustainability in our industry.

View our member profile here
