NEW: arcon sunbelt D50 oHT

Date: 13 March 2017
One product, two solutions: With arcon sunbelt D50 oHT, one and the same base glass can be used either as non-toughened float glass or tempered safety glass.

arcon sunbelt D50 oHT is the first product from our new sunbelt oHT product line. “oHT” stands for “optionally heat treatable” which already describes the product’s main benefit: With arcon sunbelt D50 oHT, one and the same base glass can be used either as non-toughened float glass or tempered safety glass.

Like that, you can save in storage capacities and become more flexible in your planning. Furthermore, you add a product to your portfolio that excels in its functionality as well as in its visual appearance, displaying a luminous, neutral grey-blue reflection.

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