Laminated safety glasses offer effective protection against break-ins and can be combined with other functions

Date: 13 November 2015
The annual crime statistics of the Federal German Ministry of the Interior confirm it: the number of home burglaries increased again in 2014 compared to 2013 by around 2% to more than 150,000 cases.

Help is provided by laminated safety glasses from the SGG CLIMAPLUS PROTECT or SGG STADIP PROTECT ranges.The products, tested according to the applicable standard for protection against burglaries (EN 356), are particularly stable thanks to the incorporated special foils, and remain - depending on type - even with extremely violent impacts as compact glazing in the frame.

Financial help from the State

For the current year 2015 and each of the two following years, the Budget Committee of the German Federal Parliament is providing annual grants of 10 million Euros for structural measures against burglaries in houses and apartments.


CLIMAplusSECURIT-Partner c/o SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS Deutschland GmbH

Nikolausstraße 1 • 52222 Stolberg (Rheinland)

Press Contact: Evamaria Nickel

+49 (0)2402/121-885 • Fax +49 (0)2402/121-859


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