How Does StormGuard’s Unique 7-point Locking System Work?

Date: 2 October 2017
Advanced and easy to use, the StormGuard window tilts for everyday ventilation and turns to allow access to the outside glass for easy cleaning safely from inside.

The StormGuard window has 7 independent locking points to maintain a consistent compression on the weather gasket, therefore ensuring superior weather performance and security is achieved. All ironmongery is located safely and strategically behind the weather seal gasket for better performance.

Due to the simplistic mechanism i.e. each handle operating a latch, shoot bolt and bullet, the StormGuard window requires very little maintenance. This advanced locking mechanism is the result of many years of product development at NorDan. 


But how does the window operating mechanism work?

1 & 6: Head restrictor arm – the window opens to 67 degrees on this restrictor arm and will restrict the window in the tilt position to approximately 100mm for ventilation purposes. The head restrictor arm is located into the strike plate in the sash.

2: Ball pivot – a cup plate in the sash sits on top of the ball allowing the sash to pivot in the turn side (side hung) mode. This can take a sash weight of up to 100kg.

3: Adjustment dome – for tolerance purposes, simply use a flat head screwdriver to ensure that the sash is guided into position within the frame.

4, 5 & 7: Shoot bolt & locking clutch – the individual shoot bolts locate into the frame ensuring consistent compression of the gasket, therefore provides superior weather and security performance.

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