Glass Futures Ltd presents Glass Futures Open Design Events

Date: 15 January 2021
Glass Futures opens a virtual door to it Global Centre of Excellence - be part of our open design sessions.

With funding now secured for a globally unprecedented 30 tonnes per day research and development platform, Glass Futures and its members are co-designing this worlds first facility and reaching out to the global glass supply chain for best knowledge.

You can learn our plans, understand the current direction and provide steer to ensure we build the worlds best ground-breaking R&D and training platform to help transform the global glass sector into a modern powerhouse of innovation and sustainability.

Session 1 - Wednesday 27th January - Main Topic - Materials, Melting and Refractories, Q&A

Session 2 - Wednesday 24th February - Digitisation, Forming and Quality, Q&A

Session 3 - Wednesday 31st March - Main Topic - People, Skills and Collaboration, Q&A