Fusion Fever

Date: 21 October 2016
Source: www.tuffxglass.co.uk
Ambi-fusion is the new go-to conservatory roof product that many homeowners have been looking for.

The Ambi-Fusion glass has been designed in house based on extensive market research for the replacement conservatory roof market.

With homeowners struggling to benefit from their conservatories that are roofed with Polycarbonate and often finding it difficult to choose from a glass roof or a solid roof system.

Tuff X decided to develop a product that combined both glass and solid roofs and created the Ambi-Fusion Roof.

The Ambi-Fusion glass gives the home owner a transparent glass combination that allows light and/or shade into the conservatory, the customer can choose the amount of shade or light that they wish to have.

The product can be glazed into any standard roof system which is quick and easy to install.

In recent Months TuffX have supplied the fusion roof to many installers whose customers have been extremely impressed with the finished product.

A couple from Staffordshire are another happy customer to purchase the Ambi-Fusion roof from one of TuffX’s installers.

They was reportedly often complaining that their old polycarbonate roof was “freezing cold in the winter and boiling hot in the summer” giving them no use of the conservatory.

Having weighed up many options they both decided that the fusion roof would be the most benifitical for them.

Being cheaper than a tiled solid roof, and still giving them the conservatory feel, the Ambi-Fusion allows them to have the best of both worlds when it comes to conservatories.

What also appealed to the homeowner was the quick installation and cost to suit their budget.

The new Ambi-Fusion roof whilst offering complete privacy still allows the passage of up to 7% of light to pass through it, complimenting the choice of glass panels and allowing the homeowner to maximise all of the available light into their existing home.

Ambi-fusion glass comes as standard with self-cleaning properties, excellent thermal insulation of 1.1 U-value, and a solar heat reflection of 78%.

Our Ambi Fusion range is available now – find out more information at http://www.tuffxglass.co.uk/ambi-fusion.html or alternatively call 0845 3 400 200 to discuss project requirements.

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