Convention good way to learn about glass collecting

Date: 12 May 2003
Source: Herald-dispatch
Mid 20th Century antiques hold a nostalgic allure for most of us over fifty. As Howard Meadows, local glass collector points out, "it was all part of our own history." We grew up with many of these beautiful things in our homes and nostalgia often drives the collector.

Today glass from places such as Blenko can be found worldwide. More than one West Virginian has encountered this glass in a gift shop in California or New York.

Next week we will really get a look at how popular this local glass has become. Milton, home of the Blenko factory will be hosting the first Blenko Collectors Society Convention. Many of these glass collectors feel that Blenko is one of the most coveted collectibles on the market today. Some even refer to it as the hottest new antique. It is a vintage handmade American collectible that is experiencing a rise in popularity, yet it is still very affordable. Most vintage pieces can be bought for less than $200.00 and many less than $50.00.

Before one jumps on the bandwagon and becomes a glass collector they really need to know the subject. Most of us cannot tell the difference between a Blenko vase and a Viking vase, however there are ways of discerning the two. It all relates to what colors were produced when and in what designs. Much of this glass is unmarked. For example Blenko only etched theirs from mid 1958 through mid 1961. They have been in business for over 100 years and that makes for lots of unmarked glass containers on the collectible market.

There have been numerous books published on Blenko for the budding collector to peruse. If you are more visual and would prefer the video medium, there are three documentaries out there to view. The Internet has several nice articles, and eBay is always educational.

Better yet attend the Milton convention this coming weekend and take advantage of presentations and exhibits open to the public.

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