ClearShield Eco System™ Wows Audience at Glass Technology Expo

Date: 7 January 2016
Ritec International showcased the ClearShield Eco-System™ at the Glass Technology Expo in Mumbai recently to high visitor acclaim...

In collaboration with India's official distributor Roshnak Surface Care Systems, Ritec International demonstrated how the ClearShield Eco-System™ for glass renovation, “non-stick” protection and maintenance gives glass processors, fabricators and installers the competitive edge by being the first and only technology with performance, added value and profit guaranteed at every step of the glass supply chain.As anticipated, interest from processors, fabricators, contractors, installers and shower companies was high.

Visitors were shown how the ClearShield Eco-System™ transforms new or old glass into a higher value product with low-maintenance performance, resulting in diversification leading to higher sales. Customers do not have to stock a new type of glass as Ritec’s simple added-value package enables unprotected glass to be upgraded into ClearShield Eco-Glass™ in the factory.

Prerana Phadnis from Roshnak comments: “The Glass Technology Expo in Mumbai proved a great success for Roshnak Surface Care Systems, with a fantastic reception to our ClearShield Eco-System™. We are delighted to have been a part of something so prominent to the glass industry and to have the opportunity to meet so many prospective customers. If you were unable to come along to the show but are interested in what we showcased, please contact us and we’ll be delighted to discuss it with you.”

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