Carl F Groupco’s Frog Race Fund Raiser

Date: 8 July 2015
Source: Press Release
The charitable staff at Carl F Groupco entered the world Frog Racing championships to raise funds for MacMillan Cancer Support.

With the entire workforce of the company’s Cambridgeshire distribution centre cheering them on, a team of five people successfully eased an eight foot high plywood frog along a rope achieving semi-finalist status.Competing against 36 other teams, the event took place at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium.

The fittings firm said the competition was fierce and that it was ‘frog eat frog’ during the races. Having taken the leap to enter the event for the first time, Carl F Groupco had so much froggy fun that the hardware supplier is set to enter next year’s event with a boys versus girls challenge.

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