Burnaby couple's home showcases future of green building

Date: 20 January 2012
Source: http://www.burnabynow.com
In the 1950s, great minds from Monsanto Chemical Company, Walt Disney Imagineering and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology came up with the ultimate "Home of the Future," a wondrous and elevated cross-shaped marvel made entirely of plastics.

Millions flocked to see the (fittingly named) Monsanto House of the Future, on display at Disneyland in California. Everything in the space-age home was plastic: walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, dishes - even the clothes were polyester. When crews tried to demolish the monstrosity a decade later, legend has it the wrecking ball bounced off the plastic exterior.

Read more: www.burnabynow.com/Burnaby+couple+home+showcases+future+green+building/6015625/story.html#ixzz1jtleE3dO

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