Blenko Hopes Glass Bricks And Tiles Will Build Business

Date: 11 April 2007
Though its colorful glass vases grace the interior of many homes, Blenko Glass Co. is hoping people will use its hand-crafted glass to build houses, too.

The glassmaker is increasing production of glass bricks and tiles in the hopes that homebuilders and landscapers will snap up its wares.

“People know the glassware side, but they’re not as familiar with the architecture side,” says Brent Aikman, sales director for architectural business.

Over the past two decades, the architectural side of Blenko’s production has accounted for about 25 percent of the company’s revenue, with tableware and glassware sales making up the rest, Aikman said.

“There will always be a market for the tableware and decorative glassware,” he said, “but to take this company to the next level, this side of the business is going to make up a bigger part of the revenue.”

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