Award Winner Overviews

Date: 5 June 2003
Source: Glass Digest Magazine
Retrofit Extensive Award - Montgomery Park Business Center, Baltimore, Md. With 1.3 million square feet, this large-scale adaptive re-use of the Montgomery Ward Catalog Warehouse, built in 1975, contains an extensive 30,000-square-foot green roof completed in 2002.

New Extensive Award - Gap Inc. 901 Cherry Offices, San Bruno, Calif.The GAP Inc offices blend into a steeply sloping savanna foothill site. The 69,000-square-foot GR with native grasses and wildflowers is a defining sustainable design feature. The roof mass and plantings provide an acoustic barrier from the adjacent San Francisco airport air traffic.

Retrofit Intensive Award - Garden Room, Shorewood, Wisc. Atop a rehabilitated retail store, this 1,900-square-foot GR occupies half the roof area and is planted with a wide range of hardy native and non-native perennials, vines, ornamental grasses, trees, and shrubs. Designed as a true garden in the city, it is used for merchandise displays and educating consumers about hardy urban plants. The design overcame structural loading challenges and the need to anchor fencing and other features to the roof.

New Construction Intensive Award - Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters and Oak Hammock Marsh, Interpretive Center, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Two green roofs totaling 28,190 square feet help the 54,000-square-foot, two story , concrete frame building blend into the internationally designated wetland marsh and prairie surrounding it.

Retrofit Combination Intensive/Extensive Award - Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum Green Roof Demonstration Garden, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago, Ill. The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum project provides an opportunity for plant survivability research and sets the stage for additional green roof work at the museum. It is directly visible by visitors from a number of vantage points within the museum. The 2,400-square-foot installation has four progressively thicker green roof systems on its 200-foot length and is designed in harmony with the existing architecture. Also used are a drip irrigation system and a solar water re-circulating pump.

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