A+W: “Connecting Your Digital Worlds” at GlassBuild America in Atlanta!

Date: 16 September 2019
Source: www.a-w.com
When you stop by, you'll learn how to CONNECT YOUR DOTS with the most scalable, flexible ERP solution available for glass, window, door, and roller shutter fabricators.

A+W Software, the global-leader in the most scalable, flexible ERP solutions on the market today, will showcase new (A+W iShape and A+W Smart Companion) software solutions for the flat-glass, window, door, and garage door industries at GlassBuild America, the leading North American trade show for the flat-glass, window, and door industries.

Visitors to our redesigned booth (#625) will get hands-on experience using A+W iShape, the intuitive way to digitize templates with a smartphone camera and convert them into CAD files.

According to Robert Anderson, the VP of Operations for A+W North America, “A+W iShape is a game changer for our fabricators and their customers. Fabricators can automatically digitize templates for production. As an added bonus, their customers can download the A+W iShape app, allowing customers to take a picture of the template and email it to the fabricator for manufacturing. Thus, eliminating the shipping and handling of templates.”

The A+W Smart Companion app allows you to replace specialized, expensive scanner hardware with familiar mobile devices used daily. When employees use A+W Smart Companion, they can scan multiple barcodes at once (e.g., edge labels on a rack), saving time, increasing productivity, and reducing errors. This clever A+W app exemplifies digitalization and Industry 4.0.

Visitors to the A+W booth #625 may also explore how they can:

GlassBuild America takes place September 17-19, 2019, in Atlanta, Georgia, and will feature more than 450 exhibitors.

We will see you there!