Award-Winning Healthcare & Education Projects Feature Solarban® Glass by Vitro

Parkland Moody Outpatient Center (Photography: Tom Harris)
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Parkland Moody Outpatient Center | Photography: Tom Harris

Date: 3 October 2023

Vitro Architectural Glass has announced that two AIA award-winning projects in the healthcare and educational facility categories feature their Solarban® high-performance solar control low-e glass.

The Parkland Moody Outpatient Center earned a Healthcare Design Award, showcasing the best of healthcare building design, planning, and design-oriented research.

Large expanses of Solarban® 90 Acuity glass don the 484,000-square-foot Parkland Moody Outpatient Center, a LEED® Gold-certified structure that houses numerous specialty clinics providing inpatient and outpatient services for more than 800 patients daily. Solarban® 90 Acuity glass by Vitro provides exceptional transparency, color neutrality, solar control, and visible light transmittance (VLT).

The Health Sciences Innovation Building earned an Education Facility Design Award, recognizing projects representing state-of-the-art learning environments.

Health Sciences Innovation Building (Photography: Jim Cunningham)
Health Sciences Innovation Building | Photography: Jim Cunningham

The new 230,000-square-foot Health Sciences Innovation Building (HSIB) at the University of Arizona features an expansive ground-floor forum, daylit student lounges, study spaces, and state-of-the-art simulation laboratories. Solarban® 90 Starphire® glass by Vitro Architectural Glass was chosen for its high performance, neutral cool coloration, and relatively low reflectivity.

Recently, Vitro announced that six of the ten buildings selected by the AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE) as the top sustainable design projects of 2023 featured their Solarban® low-e glass. The COTE Top Ten Awards has become the industry’s best-known awards program, recognizing innovative projects integrating exemplary performance with compelling design.

For more information about Vitro Architectural Glass products, visit

600450 Award-Winning Healthcare & Education Projects Feature Solarban® Glass by Vitro

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